Theatre Stage Blackout Cloth - 3 Metre Width

Availability: In Stock
  • Roll Width 3m
  • Sold by the Linear Metre
  • Flame Retardant to DIN4102/B1
  • High Quality Finish
  • NOTE: Ordering Qty 1 will Give you 1m x 3m piece, Qty 2 with give you a 2 x 3m piece and so on.
£18.95 inc VAT

Our blackout cloth weighs in at 300g per square metre and is made from a heavyweight cotton material. It is suitable for theatres, home cinemas or any other blackout requirements. Its extreme opacity provides very effective lighting blackout. This is the perfect choice for users wanting to make their own curtains or if you wish to install some cloth without the expensive hems, pockets, header etc.

Blackout cloth is used on stage to hide areas from the viewing public. This may be to aid quick set changes, hide waiting actors in the wings or simply to hide the stage lights. The commonly used name for these are tabs, boarders and legs. Tabs and legs are used to hide the wings, borders are used to hide the lights. Blackout cloth is also used on mid stage, rear or upstage travellers, these are moving curtains like the front main curtains, these help divide the stage into sections, which will help with quick scene and set changes. For all these situations thick black cloth is normally used as it absorbs light very well.

Flame Retardant
Our blackout cloth is flame retardant and finished according to DIN 4102/B1. Users should be aware if the material gets washed then it will not be flame retardant any longer.
Being sold by the linear metre (with a 3m width) you can purchase just as much as you need just enter the number of linear metres you require when ordering. The maximum size we can provide as a single piece is 60 metres (60 x 3m.)

Material: 100% Cotton
Weight: 300gr/m2
Roll Width: 3 Metres
Finish: Fire Retardant to Standard DIN 4102 B1