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Loop Amplifiers

Induction Loop Amplifier

Code: LA-300
In Stock
£191.00 inc VAT

Induction Loop Amplifier

Code: LA-600
In Stock
£256.00 inc VAT

Loop Induction Receiver

In Stock
£23.20 inc VAT
Loop Amplifiers

Hearing aid Loop amplifiers are essential pieces of equipment in public spaces such as churches, theatres and other locations where people gather. This technology helps the hard of hearing to be able to hear a clear sound without interruption or distortion. It is important to ensure the hearing aid Loop amplifiers are in good working order, to ensure that those with hearing impairments can still enjoy the activities available in such public spaces. With these amplifiers, people with hearing loss can stay engaged and informed in their environment. This can have a positive impact on their quality of life, so it is essential to maintain this technology and keep it running smoothly. By having the right equipment in public places, those with hearing impairments can be part of the community and have access to all that life has to offer.