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Mirror Balls & Pinspots

Mirrored disco balls - Cheap mirror balls

Purchase mirror balls, pinspots, motors and rotators.

A disco wouldn't be a disco without a mirror ball; designed to enhance lighting effects and produce complex coloured displays, disco balls are made to create glamorous drama and transform bland spaces into exciting venues. Mirror Balls will add sparkle and interest to any disco or display. Not only do they look wonderful, they enhance lighting effects and are often classed as an essential piece of disco & DJ equipment. The surface of a mirror ball is covered in tiny mirrors and it shines each time it is illuminated by spotlights. Mounted on the ceiling and suspended in the air using a chain, each glitter ball rotates on a vertical axis so that disco goers can see beams of light moving around them as they dance and enjoy the atmosphere. Little flashes of light surround the room, which makes the space appear interesting and attractive to the eye.

Mirror balls are becoming increasingly popular in areas outside of the clubbing industry because they add a touch of the unusual to ordinary spaces. Used in retail displays and promotional events, the mirror ball has become more than an essential piece of disco and DJ equipment. At Terralec we have a variety of disco balls and accessories in different sizes to fit a mix of venues and event spaces. From small options starting at 10cm to larger alternatives measuring up at 100cm each, we have a mirror ball for every customer at an affordable price. We even stock a 2 metre giant disco ball for extra large spaces that can add a distinctive edge to any display, disco, party or social gathering. However, we recommend that these bigger mirror balls are installed by qualified engineers who will consider safety aspects and the dimensions of the chosen venue before starting the fitting work.

Our standard mirror balls can be ordered directly from stock along with all the accessories including; mirror ball motors, safety chains and clamps. We also stock rotators that allow the glitter balls to turn at a constant speed. If you are keen to enliven your space but don't want to purchase a mirror ball you can opt for mirror mats that can be used to cover almost any surface. They are easy to use because of their adhesive backing and can be cut to size in an instant. Speak to us at Terralec for extra details and advice today!

Please note that all mirror balls intended for installation into a public area must conform to EN15560. All balls above 30cm have dual fixing and a second attachment must be used for professional installation.